Tips For Taking Better Family Photos

Family photos are seen by many almost as a necessary evil. This isn’t because of ill feelings towards other family members (although those may be present); instead, the family photo is hated for it’s a sheer difficulty.

First, there’s the number of people involved. Be it a portrait of the immediate or extended family, getting a large number of people to all look in the same direction and smile is surprisingly difficult. Then there are the outfits, which are often coordinated to match or be a part of a larger theme. This is bound to cause disagreements among even the most harmonious of families.

Because these photos are so difficult to get right, we’ve compiled some of the most helpful tips to create better family photos.

-Arguably the most important part of a family photo (except the family) is the background. Try avoiding using studio backgrounds, which are often created at home using hanging sheets or a plain wall. Instead, go outside to a scenic area; this will add depth to the photo in addition to making it appear more expensive.

-Having suggested taking the photo outside, we come to our second tip: be sure that the lighting is right! If shooting outside, face the subjects towards the light so they do not photograph as human silhouettes. If shooting inside, use white lights that shine directly at the family members and not down on them from above. This will only help to create unflattering angles.

-Another great tip is to let the subjects pose themselves. Unless you are taking the photo to have each family member in an exact position, posing each member will only help make them feel stiff and uncomfortable. Allowing them to adjust their bodies helps to make the photo feel much less “forced”.

-Have fun with it! You’ll want this family photo to stand out from the crowd and showcase your family in their best light. Nothing does this better than everyone being happy-go-lucky, be they making silly faces or jumping in (almost) unison.

-Lastly, be sure to keep a positive attitude during the photoshoot. Nothing shines through a fake smile more noticeably than the anger that has carried over from bickering that occurred only moments before.
